
Hi friend ✨

So glad to have you here! Would love to chat about all things art and shimmers! Sign up for my studio updates and check out what I have been up to.

After all these years who is that staring back at me?

After all these years who is that staring back at me?

Installation view at ‘All Shook Up’ Exhibition, June 10 - July 23, 2023, Massillon Museum, Massillon, OH

After all these years who is that staring back at me?

Medium: Digital thermal print scans printed on velvet, cotton thread, vinyl, batting. Handsewn.

Title Origin: A distorted quote from a family member’s social media account.

Image Origins: Hunting photographs from the color slide film archive of my grandfather-in-law, Ted; cellphone image of my hand.

Size: 63” x 105” x 2”

Year: 2023

After all these years who is that looking back at me? - Thermal Collage, 2021

I don't do well

I don't do well

My stomach hurts

My stomach hurts